Amy's Blog

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Why is it so Hard for Me to Remember to Count My Blessings?

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For those that are around me a lot or talk to me frequently, it is no secret that I have had a lot going on with work the last few months and have been in high stress mode.  If it isn’t work related, chances are, I’m not doing it.   And, it is also no secret that my stress management and coping skills leave a little something to be desired. Hopefully I will start to balance out this summer.

This weekend I took a break from some of the work related demands and had the chance to spend some time with some of the most important people in my life.

Friday night, I hurried home from work at 5:00 so that I could get changed and ready to go to the wedding Mass of a long-time family friend.  This friend works for the Church in young adult ministry and, although he is in his fifties, he  just has an exceptional way of dealing with and relating to teenagers and young adults.  There were so many great things about Friday night.  First of all, I got to see two of my cousins and their families that I don’t see often because they live two hours away.  One of my cousins has the sweetest three girls, one in college, one in high school, and one in elementary school and it is so fun to catch up with them and what they have going on in their lives.  Their mom, although my dad’s first cousin, is like a big sister to me and has been there for me during many tough times during my life.  I just love them all so much and it was great to sit with them during the wedding and then hang out at the reception.

I also got to see the groom’s daughter who is my age – we lived in the same dorm freshman year at K-State.  It was fun seeing her as I maybe bump into her once ever other year or so when we are both back in her hometown where my family lives.

The wedding was very nice.  The Mass was beautiful, I loved the music, and with both the bride and groom being youth leaders, they incorporated several young people into various parts of the Mass.  It was very simple, with no frills, which I think allowed the couple’s love for each other and faith in God to really shine through and take center stage.  It was so refreshing because I don’t know if I have ever attended a wedding quite like it.  The best part was that in all the years that I have known the groom, I have NEVER seen him so happy, he was beaming with joy and it was such a great sight.

I don’t know if I will ever get married, but if I do,  I have another good example of how to do it right.

I drove home at the end of the evening with warm and fuzzies after having had such a great time celebrating with family and friends.

The next morning I headed to one of my favorite local hotels for a gathering of Potawtomis in the region.  I’ve blogged several times about our family’s Native American roots : , ,  Every year, the tribal leaders – chairman, vice chairman, and the legislators host informational meetings around the country to teach the tribal history, given an update on the current political and economic landscape of the tribe, and to get folks geared up for the annual festival that takes place on the reservation in Shawnee, Oklahoma during the last weekend of June every year.  I met up with some of Grandma’s siblings – Aunt Maureen and Sister Ginger had ridden to town with Uncle Jerry and Aunt Hildegard and cousin Pat who lives here in town too, also joined us.  We sat together and had a nice time visiting over a nice lunch of baked chicken and BBQ brisket.  I always enjoy anytime spent with Grandma and her siblings, so this was a real treat.  I am so fortunate that there is such longevity in the family.  Grandma is the oldest at age 90, and the youngest, Uncle Jerry, just celebrated his 81st birthday last week.   The only downside to the wonderful morning and nice lunch was that I had to eat and run.

My KC best girl friend and I were headed of to Manhattan to celebrate commencement with the class of 2013.  One of my very best KC friends, fellow KSU financial planning grad, and industry buddy was giving the commencement address to the KSU College of Human Ecology graduates, which is where we had both received our financial planning degrees some years before.  We had planned to attend the commencement ceremony and then planned a dinner get together with a group of friends afterward.  Graduation was running about an hour behind schedule, which made me feel kind of bad because I could have spent more time with the family in KC, but oh well, how was I to know?

Graduation was awesome! It brought back so many memories to 7 years ago when I was walking across that same stage at Bramledge Coliseum.  My friend’s speech was fantastic! I was totally blown away! He did a great job relating to the students and was so well spoken! I have heard him speak several times in various capacities and will say that in my opinion, this was his best delivery yet! It was so great sitting next to his mom and dad as they beamed with pride and mom even teared up a bit!

After the ceremony, my KC best friend and I paid a visit to her mother-in-law who lives in Manhattan and was busy helping set up for her friend’s daughter’s graduation party.  I got to see some parts of campus that have changed quite a bit since I left Manhattan.  After our visit, we headed to the restaurant where I had made dinner reservations for 8 of us.  It was so much fun!! Some of my very favorite people – including my best friend from college –  and the only one that I really still keep in touch with from school, and her husband joined us and we had a great time catching up.  We also had the pleasure of the presence of our former department head who lead the our department when we were going through the financial planning program.

I got to cap off my weekend by lecturing at the adult confirmation Mass led by the Archbishop hosted at our Parish.  It was great to be a part of such an important day for all of those being confirmed.   And my reading happened to be one of my favorites!

I really really appreciated this weekend as my social time and family time have been very limited over the last several weeks.  I was so grateful to spend time with so many people that I love and care about.  It was a pleasure and hopefully some fuel to get me through some more stressful times to come.  When I think things are tough, I need to remember that I really am very blessed and I should make it more of a point to consider that more often.  I love and appreciate my extended family and true close friends.

Written by amymariekc

May 20, 2013 at 3:29 am

Posted in Family, Friends, K-State, Weekend

A Place at the Table

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WARNING: I get pretty personal in this blog…really putting myself out there, but after watching A Place at the Table, I just had to get some thoughts out.

I’ve always taken an interest in health, fitness, and nutrition….at least since high school.  I’ve also been interested in obesity and childhood obesity.  I’m not sure where the interest came from.  Maybe because I grew up in a household where my mother and all of her siblings were overweight or obese.  My mom was always on a diet or starving herself or trying to lose weight.  She was a very unhappy person that lacked self confidence and a good understanding of self worth.  My mom gained most of her weight after she gave birth to my little sister.  Then, 8 years later, she had my brother and gained a whopping 80 pounds!! My mom is a short 5’3”, so the extra weight was not good for her at all.  As much as I hate to say it, I inherited some of those less than desirable qualities.  I remember sitting in the hallway with some classmates in sixth grade thinking that I was never going to wear shorts again because my thighs were so fat and that I wanted skinny thighs like my classmate sitting across from me.  From then on, I was on a rollercoaster always watching calories and always trying to lose weight.  Looking back, this was utterly absurd because from the time I was born until I was a freshman in college, I was always a healthy weight and a healthy BMI.  We played outside as kids, I ran track in junior high, we rode bikes together as a family.  And, despite my mom’s issues, we grew up learning the importance of nutrition, eating whole foods, fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  My family never had much money growing up, but I remember summers being my favorite time of year because my mom kept our fridge stocked with so many fresh fruits, plums, cherries, peaches, grapes, and strawberries.  I am so thankful for that knowledge that I learned growing up, because I’ve always felt like that I have had the tools to lead a healthy lifestyle.  I’m not struggling to learn how to eat right or fighting to cut out things like sweets and soda because those things were never a part of my life growing up.  PS. My mom finally lost all of the weight, but it took YEARS, my youngest sibling (the fourth) was in elementary school by the time my mom made it to a healthy weight.

In college I took a 100 level human nutrition class.  I LOVED it and that started my thirst for educating myself on our biology and the science behind health and fitness.  I started reading every health and fitness book, magazine and news article that I could get my hands on….and still do to this day.  I’ve also become super interested in detoxing and cleansing and how digestive health plays into maintaining a healthy weight.  I became sort of obsessed with watching different documentaries on obesity, reading blogs by people documenting their weight loss journeys, etc.  I LOVED watching Obesity Rehab Center, Extreme Makeover weight loss edition, HBO’s weight of the Nation, etc.  Through all of this I also grew extremely interested in hunger in America and how food deserts contribute to childhood obesity….which does seem a little ironic on the surface.

I went to the Tivoli theatre in Westport and watched the documentary by the same guys that created Food Inc. which I never saw.  The documentary followed three different families, one in Philly, one in Mississippi, and one in a little country town in the Colorado Rockies and how hunger has had an impact on their children.  Its amazing to think that in one of the most prosperous countries on the planet, one in four children live with food insecurity –  this affects 50 MILLION Americans.  Almost 24 million Americans live in food deserts….which means that the areas where they live have limited access to grocery stores and very limited access to whole foods.  These people buy a lot of their food at convenience stores where they can only get chips, sodas, snack cakes, predominantly processed foods and refined sugars. No fruits, vegetables, or whole grains.

The story featured a family from Philly –  a young single mother named Barbie, with two toddlers and no job. She was receiving a small amount of public assistance for groceries.   Barbie lived in a terrible apartment in a very bad neighborhood.  She had to use public transportation to get anywhere, including taking two different busses just to get to the closest grocery store.  The second family was a single black woman who was a cook at a local diner in a tiny town in Mississippi.  They had three small grocers, none of which carried any fresh produce with the exception of one of the grocers that would have fresh bananas on occasion.  The closest grocery store that carries fresh produce is 45 minutes away -that’s just a one way trip.  Her daughter was in second grade and suffered from obesity and asthma.  She rarely ate breakfast, and her after school snacks consisted of chips and sodas.   The family that touched my heart was the family in the small Rocky Mountain town.  The focus was on sweet little Rosie, mature and wise beyond her years.  She lived with her mother, sister, Aunt, and grandparents in a tiny little house where she shared the laundry room with the washer, dryer, and her sister.  She slept on two pillows on the floor.  The house was a total dump and the yard was a junk yard.  Rosie’s mom was a waitress at a local café and brought home about $120 a week.  They did receive some help from  a local food bank, but it was mostly junk food.  Rosie was SO smart, but had trouble focusing in school.  She said that she gets so hungry that her stomach hurts and she starts imagining that her teacher and classmates are bananas, apples, and oranges.  It was HEARTBREAKING.  All of these families were living in extreme poverty with limited access to whole foods.  School lunches were complete crap at all of the schools because most school cafeterias are working on budges of less than $3 per child.  The meals consist of mostly starches.

I was SO conflicted watching these stories.  On the surface, it looks like the root cause of the hunger and the health issues is poverty…but I think it is something bigger.  All three families were headed by single parents.  All three families also seemed to think that they couldn’t eat healthy on a budget.  The family in Mississippi had chips a hoy, oreos, soda, sunny delight, all kinds of junk in their fridge.  Maybe I’m totally ignorant, but I think that junk food is EXPENSIVE!!! I think that the root of the problems involved social issues and lack of education.

First with the social issues…..Barbie couldn’t have been more than 24 or 25…she was single with two small children.  She kept saying that she wanted to be more than all the single drug addict moms in her neighborhood and that she wanted to go to college…..but she made a lot of excuses.  I can’t imagine what its like being a single mom living in poverty, not knowing where your children’s next meal is going to come from.  BUT, why was she getting pregnant in her late teens or early 20s, not once but twice with no stable place to live or a job? Why didn’t she start college after high school?

And Rosie’s family, half of the adults in the house were unemployed, yet the house was in COMPLETE disarray.  Not only was it messy and cluttered, but it wasn’t clean.  They were allowing their children to live in FILTH, TRASH, just plain SHIT!  It was so sad, but it almost made me angry at the parents…..what are you doing all day if you don’t work???!!!!!

The main message of the documentary was that these folks were victims of circumstance and government mismanagement…..I will say that the CHILDREN are victims, but it is SO hard for me to buy the adults being victims.

Where do I begin…..I really do believe that we all have equal opportunity, but I believe that each person controls their own destiny through their individual choice.  I grew up in a household with structure and discipline…we had chores, we kept our home neat and clean, we did our home work, we ironed our clothes, we had a strict bedtime, we learned about good nutrition.  College wasn’t an option….it was a MUST.  It sounds like my parents were saints….they weren’t, in fact, I haven’t had a real relationship with my parents since college….LOOOONG story.  I got good grades, went to college, got a great job, and am now living a very nice lifestyle.  I accomplished all of this on my own…my parents did not have very much money and they definitely did not have any money saved for my education.  I did it all on my own.  My parents’ poor financial situation was all due to a series of bad choices that they made over a lifetime.  And I will admit, that all of my challenges -school, grades, financial, and some work related challenges were all due to poor decision making on my part….looking back, I can pinpoint exactly what I would have done differently over the years to be more successful now.  My sister and I grew up in the exact same household, I graduated from college, landed a great job, and enjoy a decent lifestyle for someone of my age and income.  My sister on the other hand, has struggled nonstop.  She dropped out of college at 19, got pregnant at 20, was raising a child by herself making $10 an hour by age 21.  Finally, by age 25, she made it back to school, but every day is a struggle.  She works full time, goes to school full time, and takes care of a 6 year old.  Money for food and shelter is VERY tight.  She has to plan every meal and every trip out to save on gas and groceries.  She thinks I had it easy growing up and getting through school.  She refuses to acknowledge that I worked harder and made better choices.  She’s a great mom, but her decisions over the years has made life twice as hard for her as it has been for me.  CHOICE.  PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I can’t help but think if those three families in A Place at the Table could go back and make different choices, how their lives and how their children’s lives would be better.  We need more sex and health education, more education on birth control, more education on how to make healthy choices on a limited budget.  I think the families that said the junk food is cheaper are people that haven’t actually made an effort to eat better.  Even eating canned or frozen vegetables is better than eating boxed macaroni and cheese, chips, and cookies.  AND water, water is free!!! I never once saw any of the families drinking water.  The Mississippi mom gave her daughter two choices at dinner – kool aid or cranberry juice! We had juice for breakfast on Saturday mornings…..RARELY did we have soda or anything other than milk or water.  I also can’t help but think how their lives would be different if they stopped and looked within themselves and took personal responsibility for their own actions and stopped waiting for the government to make their lives better.

I’m scared because our families are falling a part, our children are obese and are being raised by parents that are obese, don’t have good education on nutrition, don’t have a good sense of personal responsibility, and therefore can’t pass that along to our children.  One of the doctors featured in A Place at the Table said that our children will be the first generation to not outlive their parents.  Our future is at stake.

I also felt extreme guilt watching those children struggle while I thought about how much money I spend on food every month.  I never have to worry about where my next meal will come from.  Also, I realized that I take for granted my nutritional knowledge and my ability to access whole foods, and while I have all of that, I still put crap in my body.  I’m in the middle of a six month struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and I have all of the tools at my fingertips!

Little Rosie sais that she wanted her children to have a better life than she has now.  She wants them to have enough food and to get good grades at school.  She also wants Extreme Home Makeover to “rescue us from our house” but she knew that the chances of that happening were slim because “we don’t have a story”.  Meaning that no one was terminally ill, there was no extreme drama for the ratings, but it was ironic because they DO have a compelling story.  Their family is living in extreme poverty and living all of the major issues that are plaguing our country – obesity, hunger, unemployment, lack of personal responsibility, and lack of education.

I struggle because I get overwhelmed with these issues that I care so much about but yet I feel helpless, I have a life to live and don’t know how I can make a difference, although I’m going to continue to try.

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 6:24 am


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Although I was feeling a bit of a let down knowing that my birthday month was coming to an end, I was excited for my start to September.

My cousin, Ellen, lives in Kent, Ohio and has two children that attend school at Columbia University in New York City.  She invited me to fly up to Ohio and hop in the car with her and her daughter so that we could take her daughter back to school for her senior year.  I would then drive back with Ellen and get to spend some time with their family (gram’s brother, Bob, and his kids and grandkids) back in Ohio.

Long story short it didn’t work out for me to fly to Ohio, but I was able to fly into NYC and meet them in the city.  I flew out of Kansas City at 9:20 am and flew to Charlotte where I had an hour layover….just enough time to grab a sandwich, a vodka soda, and catch a bit of the Penn State Ohio football game.  I LOVE the new Penn State jerseys…but I digress.  I caught my connecting flight to Newark, NJ.

The day before I left, I surfed around online and talked to my cousin about the best way to get to the city from Newark.  We determined that it would be best to take the airport train to the New Jersey Transit System train to Penn Station and then catch the subway to Columbia where I would meet my cousins.  I travel alone frequently, so I don’t normally get nervous, but I will admit that I was nervous and a little intimidated at the thought of making this trip, my first trip ever to New York City.

With the help of the airport attendant, I found the airport train to the NJ transit.  While on the platform waiting on the NJ Transit train, this guy struck up a conversation with me.  He was super nice, heading to the city on business from Houston.  We chatted while waiting for the train and even sat near each other.  I thought, wow, he is kind of cute, really nice, and super friendly.  He even offered to help me with my bag, and that is when I noticed the wedding ring! Ha.

Anyway, I sat next to a New Yorker that helped me and Houston guy find our way around at Penn Station.  From there, I bought a metro card and slowly but surely figured out how to catch the subway.  Two hours from landing at Newark, I made it to the Columbia campus.

I was in awe of the beauty that was Columbia with its old buildings and well manicured campus.  Seeing the hustle and bustle of the students moving in made me miss college.  I was also a little intimidated by being in the presence of so many Ivy Leaguers.  I know that there is no way that I could have hacked it at an Ivy League.  I got to see my cousin Elan’s dorm and then we headed out for our first New York City adventure.

We took the subway to Times Square where my senses were overloaded with the mass marketing and commercialization.  Every chain known to man was represented and I saw ads for every TV show to air this fall.  Everyone there is out to make or spend a buck.  The most interesting thing were all of the people that were in character to try and scam money from people by posing for pictures.  Super Mario was there but he creeped me out because he was a middle eastern guy that kept taking off his head and walking around with a scowl on his face….way to scare the children!

We walked to Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, and several other places in the area before heading to dinner at a local Mexican/Columbian restaurant.

I also got to attend Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  The only thing besides the construction that bothered me was the fact that they let tourists mill around the cathedral during Mass.  I thought that was distracting and disrespectful.  After Mass, we had my favorite meal, brunch, at a little French cafe before heading off for Soho.

Soho was my favorite part of the city that I saw during my trip.  I really wanted to go into Ivanka Trump’s store, but it was closed for remodeling.  I also discovered Frye’s leather while in town and I’m still regretting not buying the purple sneakers in the Converse store.

As we were walking back to the Subway, we saw several people stopped out in front of this store taking pictures and there were lines everywhere inside.  We thought that there may be someone famous, but we couldn’t figure it out.  The name of the store was called Dash, so I pulled out my phone and googled “Dash, Soho, NYC” and a million hits popped up.  Kim Kardashian owns the store.  Enough said.

We walked down to the financial district and I snapped some pictures of Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange.  The entire time I walked around the city I kept saying, I can’t believe I’m in NYC! I don’t know why I’ve never been before.

We also went to Battery Park and caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty before we headed to dinner at a mom and pop greek restaurant near Columbia University.

We did a TON of walking on the trip, so all of the eating didn’t phase me.  The only disappointment that I had was that we did not run into any famous people!

I had a lot of firsts on this trip and am already making a list of the things that I would like to do when I go back to the city, which I hope is very soon.

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 4:08 am

Here’s To 20 Years

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Six months ago I was asked to head up the committee that planned and hosted our firm’s 20 year anniversary celebration.  I was really excited as I LOVE planning parties.  I love it so much that I am planning at least four parties over the rest of the year.

We decided that we would have the party at a local brewery and that we would incorporate a sunflower theme from our save the date cards to invitations, to event space decor.  We invited all of our clients, firm members and their spouses, and some of the associated professionals that we work with.  All in all, the guest list was over 400.

We spent six months organizing and securing vendors from the event space, to the caterer, baker, and DJ.  The brewery provided space for up to 225 people, a bar stocked with their beers and house wine, soft drinks and coffee, a limited number of sunflower centerpieces, and commemorative pint glasses with our logo for party favors for our guests.  The caterer is a well known local catering shop run by a husband and wife team.  We have used them for several office functions in the past.  We chose to have a heavy appetizer buffet for our casual “open house” style reception.  We asked for a mix of hot and cold choices with a mix of beef, chicken, seafood, and vegetarian options.  We told the DJ that we wanted to be able to play music that would appeal to a wide variety of people, including a diverse age group.  He told us not to worry as he had a music catalogue that contains 35,000 songs.  The dessert would be cupcakes with simple designs….some had 20s and some were decorated with sunflowers to continue our theme.

215 people RSVP’d that they would be attending our party from 6-10 on Thursday evening.  We asked our staff to be available at 4:00 so that we could have all hands on deck to get the event space ready for the party. The event space staff took care of setting up the bar and the caterer put out candles on each of the 8 top rounds and high top rounds  and they set up the beautiful food buffet.  The baker came and set up a simple but elegant cupcake display complete with white, chocolate, red velvet, and lemon cupcakes.  We set up the registration table with preprinted name tags for the guests and trivia questions.  We had slips of paper for each guest to answer four trivia questions to be put in a drawing for door prizes.

Our company office manager made a really neat slide summarizing the history of our firm, what we do, our clients, and a slide for each firm member showcasing their families and leisure activities.  It played on two jumbo screens throughout the duration of the event.

Before we knew it, guests began to arrive.  We had several local clients and associated professionals as well as clients that traveled in from Missouri, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Virgina.

We stopped the music at various times during the event to introduce our firm members and do the drawing for trivia question winners.  We had four questions and therefore, four winners.  Each winner received a sterling silver piggy bank.

Everyone was raving about the how great the party was and how delicious the food was.  The DJ did a great job keeping the music selection varied and pleasing to all in the room.

Finally, by about 9:00, I was able to take a load off and enjoy some food and have a meaningful visit with a couple of clients.  The party was a success, but the worst thing about it was that I spent about 15 seconds talking to each person, and there were even people that were there that I never saw or talked to.  I guess that comes with hosting a party.  But, I was disappointed, it felt like guests started to arrive, and FLASH, the party was over.

Anyway, I’m so glad that we pulled the party off without any major hiccups and that.  I’m happy to add a party of 200+ to my list of events planned to date and I hope that I was able to show the company that I can handle a few extra responsibilities.

And that is how the birthday month ended.

To the next 20 years!

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 4:05 am

Jazzed Up

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I really love the Kansas City arts and cultural scene from live music, theatre, art galleries, etc, including the Jazz scene.  One of my very favorite local jazz pianists has a resident gig at a local Jazz club in Kansas City.  I often watch he and his band mates jam on Sunday nights.

I decided to get a group together to continue the birthday month festivities for dinner and drinks at the club.  It worked out great as we ended up having a girls night out.  A few girlfriends and one of my cousins joined me and tolerated my jazz obsession.

We sat front and center in the first row and enjoyed our wine and the piano.  The piano player gave me a birthday shout out, which made me feel important.  We moved a bit away from the stage for dinner and dessert where we indulged in delicious food, gossip, and general typical girl talk.  I just can’t describe the vibe that exists between girlfriends that aren’t catty or judgemental and are truly down to earth and friendly.  What was really neat is that the only thing that the girls had in common was me.

We had a fantastic time, the food was delicious and the wine was smooth.  What was even better is that the cute bartender made my favorite drink.  It is a refreshing summer cocktail including cucumbers.

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 4:03 am

Posted in Birthday Month, Foodie, Friends, Music

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What is a Piropo?

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And the birthday month continues….

I hopped on a plane at Chicago Midway and headed for home.  I went straight to my car at the airport where I had a change of clothes.  It was 7:20, and my next birthday dinner was in forty minutes.  I threw on a dress and a bit of make up, and headed for  this amazing Argentinean restaurant, Piropos, to meet some friends.

Piropos was convenient as it is on my way home from the airport nestled in an area of Briarcliff Village They are known for their unique and authentic menu as well as the view of downtown Kansas City.

We started the evening off with a bread basket and specialty housemade sangrias.  I wish that I could remember some of the concoctions that made up the sangrias that evening.  I tried three of six or seven, and they were all incredibly unique, refreshing, and fitting for the meal.  They were a part of a special summer menu.

We moved onto the main course which consisted of two entrees, as my friend and I each ordered an entrée and split them.  We ordered the pork chops served with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, sautéed apples, walnuts, raisins, and mushrooms and the pan seared halibut with lobster risotto and  juilenne vegetables in a roasted red pepper sauce.  The pork chops are not something that I would normally order, but I thought that I would branch out and try them.

I will admit that I was already full from bread and sangria by the time that the entrees came, but I ate anyway.  I devoured the halibut and lobster risotto.  They were to die for!! I was too full for the pork chop and mashed potatoes, so I decided to ask for them to be boxed up and taken home.  I did try a bite of the mashed potatoes and was disappointed when they tasted like instant.  I ended up eating half of the left over pork chop for dinner the next night and it tasted great with the apples.

Although I was beyond satisfied, we went for dessert! We had the Copa Piropos on the house for my birthday and the Churros de Caramelo.  The Copa Piropos was fresh berries with creme anglase and vanilla bean ice cream drizzled with imported argentine dulce de leche.  The Churos were stuffed with ccaramel and served with vanilla bean ice ream and drizzled with Dulce de leche and hot chocolate ganache.

No, this isn’t a food blog, but this meal was so delicious that I couldn’t leave it un mentioned.

The service was great and my friends and I enjoyed our time together.  Needless to say we left the restaurant stuffed! Next stop was home to sleep off the food coma and get prepared for the next day’s birthday month festivities.

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 4:00 am

Posted in Birthday Month, Friends

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Independence Day

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I awoke from my food coma and decided that in honor of my birthday month, I would treat myself to Saturday brunch at my favorite hotel.  I went alone with my lap top in tow so that I could catch up on some work stuff that I had missed while in Chicago.

After brunch, I headed out to Independence for a day of fun and games at a family fun center with mini golf, arcade games, and go carts.  I had looked the place up online and thought that this was the best option that was the closest to my house.

I love ski ball, arcade basketball, mini golf, and go carts.  However, when we got there, the realization that we were in Independence hit hard.  Most of the games were broken, including basketball….which I discovered after I bought $25 worth of tokens.  The mini golf course was in complete disrepair.  The go carts weren’t bad, though.

After a having a mild amount of fun at the “family fun center”, we decided to make a break for it and head to get margaritas at a local mexican establishment.  I had a blast catching up with friends that I don’t get to spend a lot of time with.

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 3:58 am

Potbelly: Never Ending Birthday Month

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We spent the last day in Chicago as tourists.  We did the usual Chicago “stuff”.  Walked down Michigan Avenue, went to Millenium Park, Soldier Field, the Field Museum.  I figured that I walked about 20 miles a day while in Chicago.  I love the thought of living in a place where exercise is built in to your daily activities and commute. Every time I travel somewhere, I imagine myself living in that city.  I fantasize about how in shape I would be logging all of those miles…and then I snap back to my suburban reality where we take the car everywhere.

Of course, I also did what I ALWAYS do when I go to Chicago….we ate lunch at Potbelly.

Potbelly is a sandwich shop, but it is more than just a deli, just another Subway, Goodcents, etc.  Potbelly is a safe haven.  Everyone is welcome without judgement to enjoy comfort food.  They serve toasted subs, homemade soups, cookies, and brownies.  They have funky decor and indie live music at lunch time.

I discovered Potbelly on a trip to Chi in 2004 and have been hooked ever since.  I can’t go to Chicago and not eat at Potbelly at least once.  I order the same thing every time I go….a roast beef sandwich with swiss, lettuce, and tomato on wheat bread.  This time I got a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie and chips.  Its my birthday, I can splurge!

We sat and ate a leisurely lunch and listened to the live music while watching the hustle and bustle of the busy lunch hour.  My flight was taking off in 6 hours and I didn’t want to go home!  But, I knew that I needed to say good bye for now to Chi-Town, Chris Martin, Bill Rancic, and Potbelly.

Until next time!

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 3:46 am

Chicago Stalker

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When making our arrangements for our Chicago trip, I told my friend that there were only two things that I wanted to do during my stay in the windy city.  One, meet up with my British boyfriend, Chris Martin, of the band Coldplay, and two, scout out for my other boyfriend, Chicago native, Bill Rancic.

I don’t watch any TV now, but in college, I had cable for the first time and my own TV for the first time, and became a TV junkie! I discovered Bill Rancic when I watched the very first episode of the Apprentice with Donald Trump.  I LOVED him! He was so smart, ambitious, hard working, and of course, good looking!  Anyway, he became famous by marrying an E News anchor and having a reality show with her.  I’ve never seen the reality show, but found out through the Twitter grapevine that Bill and his wife had opened up an authentic Italian restaurant in Chicago.

When I told my friend about the restaurant, she was super excited, as she is a fan of the reality show.  We made reservations and the place is so popular that we couldn’t get in until 10:30.

That just meant that I had plenty of time to do other things.  I spent the morning in the hotel lobby drinking mimosas and catching up on some stuff on the computer.  Then I decided to venture out for a shopping trip.  Normally, I don’t shop anywhere that I can get at home, but I had a DSW birthday coupon that was set to expire before I was going to get back home. So, I found a DSW on State that didn’t have the boots I wanted, so I walked a mile and a half to the next one, sight seeing along the way.  I found my boots, and lucky for me, the shoe store was in the same mall as a Whole Foods where I found, yes, you guessed it, Crispin!!

After my afternoon excursion, I headed back to the hotel where we had happy hour and then headed out to a FANTASTIC wine bar, Bin 36.  Bin 36 was not only a wine bar, but it also had a wine and cheese shop, and dining area.  We sat at the bar and enjoyed wine flights, and hand crafted cocktails with some of the most talented bartenders in the city.  I even left with a recipe to take home…Lychee Cucumber Cooler was a refreshing summer cocktail served over ice with lychee liqueur (very hard to find in Kansas City), house infused cucumber vodka, and freshly made lemonade)

We headed out to our dinner reservation with hopes that there would be a Bill Rancic sighting, although, I had been Twitter stocking all day and didn’t get any indication that Bill was in Chicago.  In fact, according to Twitter, he was spotted in Corpus Christi at a speaking engagement.  Anyway, although it was 10:30 at night, it was CRAZY busy.  There wasn’t an empty seat in the house.  We started with one round of drinks, then a second round of drinks, and then the waitress took our appetizer order.  At first, I appreciated the way that she gave us time to enjoy a leisurely dinner, but then I realized, she was just too busy to be too attentive to us.  appetizers consisted of bruschetta and truffle garlic bread!!! Truffle anything??? YES PLEASE! It was to die for!  Then came the Brussel sprout chopped salad.  For the main course, I ordered the lobster ravioli. I will say that there is a lot of hype surrounding this restaurant, but everything that we had was amazing.

The highlight was the gelato flight that they brought on the house to celebrate our birthdays.  Three hours later, we waddled home, full and satisfied, but without any Rancic sightings.

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 3:20 am

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Chicago Bound!

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I’m usually very busy leading up to time away from work trying to get everything done and making sure that things are in order during my absence.  Getting ready for Chicago was no exception.  I had a late day attending an event in Manhattan and got home at 11:00 and still hadn’t packed.  My flight was leaving at 6:20 the next morning.

Long story short, I didn’t give myself enough time to get to the airport, and I missed my flight.  Lucky for me, there are about 10 flights a day between KC and Chicago, and I was able to get on the very next flight and was only about 20 minutes late.

Needless to say, I was a bit rattled.  So, what did I do as soon as I landed? Went to the nearest airport bar and had a bloody mary! The great thing about this trip was that I didn’t have a whole lot planned.  The idea was to have a relaxing few days scouting for my boyfriends, Chris Martin and Bill Rancic.  More on that later.

I tool the train and eventually made it to our hotel in downtown Chicago.  I took a quick nap and then made it out for the first thing on the agenda….a run on Lake Shore Drive.  The hotel had a pocket map of a four mile run and a seven mile run.  However, I didn’t realize that the distance from the hotel to the lake counted as a part of the run, so I had intended on doing the four mile run and ended up doing about 8 miles.  It is amazing what the water does for my endurance.  I never checked the clock and ran further and faster than usual.

I walked back to the hotel and stopped in a corner drugstore for a post run cold drink, and what did I find, Crispin!!! Crispin is distributed by Miller Coors, based in Chicago, so, Crispin is readily available in drug stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, bars, and restaurants all over the city.

After my run and cold drink, I showered, threw my wet hair up, and headed out to the blow dry bar.  This is a concept that is pretty foreign to my area, but popular on the coasts and in other major cities. I have thick, curly hair, and it takes me forever to blow dry and flat iron my hair, so I thought it would be cool and save some time to make an appointment at a blow dry bar.  There happened to be one about four blocks from our hotel.  The girl that did my blow out was so cool. She was my age and we spent the 45 minutes talking about our cities and all of the fun things to do.

As soon as I stepped outside of the salon, the rain started pouring.  Just my luck! But, the receptionist was so nice, she chased me down with a shower cap! Yes, I walked the four blocks back to the hotel in a shower cap! Who cares, I’d never see any of these people again, right?

My friends and I met for dinner and drinks at a local burger and beer joint on Michigan Avenue.  After dinner, I was headed to the United Center!

I hailed a cab that dropped me off a few blocks from the UC where I was able to buy a floor seat at face value! And I didn’t have to sell a kidney to afford it!

Let me just say that Chris Martin and the boys put on a PHENOMENAL show! It was hands down one of the two best live shows that I have ever seen.  The crowd was AMAZING! It was one of the most alive and engaging crowd that I have ever seen at a live show.  One of the coolest things about the show was the wrist bands that they handed out at the door.  They lit up in sync with the music, so it was awesome to see the dark stadium light up in multicolored hues to the music.  They played for at least two solid hours.  I was in awe of how Chris Martin just gets into the music.  He is such a talented piano player…I could feel his heart and soul in the music.

I am so glad that I got to go to the concert.  It was a great experience and such a fantastic way to continue the birthday month celebration.

Written by amymariekc

March 16, 2013 at 3:18 am